• DRD self-defense seminars/classes are perfect for business owners and managers that are concerned with their employee’s safety, mental health, and well-being and for employees of those owners and managers.
  • Studies show that participating in a self-defense seminar or ongoing classes reduces stress, anxiety, depression and even suicide rates by promoting self-confidence, a positive self-image, increased fitness and mental health levels.
  • The DRD self-defense system is based on Brazilian Jiu-jitsu which has been time tested as the superior self-defense system to enable a smaller, weaker person to defeat a larger, stronger opponent using superior technique, leverage, and control.
  • Contact us for more information if you are a business owner, manager or an employee that is interested in setting up a seminar or ongoing classes at DRD headquarters in Tigoni/Limuru, at your business or at a venue of your choice.

(A minimum of 6 participants are required)